Increase in VRT on Category C Vehicles – 1 May 2011

Vehicle Registration Tax is chargeable on the registration of motor vehicles (including motor-cycles) in the State. All motor vehicles in the State, other than those brought in temporarily by visitors, must be registered with the Revenue Commissioners. A vehicle must be registered before it can be licensed for road tax purposes.

Increase in VRT on Category C Vehicles – 1 May 2011

As on and from 1 May 2011, vehicle registration tax on the registration of Category C vehicles will increase from €50 to €200. (Section 48 of the Finance Act 2011, refers).

Please refer to Revised Vehicle Classification for VRT Purposes where a list of Category C vehicles is available.

Closure of VRT Helpline 1890 430 130

The 1890 430 130 Help Line is now closed.

All VRT related queries, including those relating to exemptions, appeals and general information should be addressed to your local Revenue Office.

Vehicle Valuations.

For many vehicle models, a valuation for VRT purposes may be sourced from the VRT Calculator.

It should be noted that Revenue staff do not provide vehicle valuations unless the vehicle has been presented for registration. If you need to get an estimate of the approximate VRT for a vehicle model that is not on the VRT Calculator, please consult the FAQs section of the website – “How can I find out how much VRT I will have to pay if my particular vehicle is not on the VRT Calculator?”


Upcoming changes in Type Approval obligations regarding the registration of new buses and minibuses External link

Revised Vehicle Classification for VRT Purposes

Use the ROS On-Line VRT Enquiry System to generate a VRT estimate for many passenger vehicles, vans and motorcycles.

For further information from the Motor Tax Office on first taxing of a new or imported vehicle click here.External link

pdfVehicle Registration Tax Non-Statutory Consolidation of Primary and Secondary Legislation. (PDF, 1.84MB) Revised February 2011.

Tax & Duty Manuals – Section 16 FOI Act